Lavender Latte Recipe

Lavender Latte

Ever dreamt of whipping up a café-style lavender latte right in your kitchen, like the new sensation from Starbucks? Well, dream no more. This coffee drink will elevate your morning ritual with a hint of lavender's soothing aroma, creating a vibe that even Starbucks would nod to. And guess what? You don't need a barista's degree for this. With your Blendtec and a few simple ingredients, you're all set to make a lavender latte that smells like a dream and tastes even better.

Ingredients for Your Homemade Lavender Latte

  • Lavender: Fresh or dried, make sure it's culinary-grade to ensure it's safe for consumption. About a teaspoon should do, but feel free to adjust based on how floral you like your coffee.
  • Milk: Pick your favorite here. Whether it's whole milk for its creaminess or oat milk/almond milk for a dairy-free option, any choice works. You'll need about 1 cup per latte.
  • Coffee: Espresso is ideal for that authentic latte strength, but a strong brewed coffee can also work in a pinch. You'll want about 2 shots of espresso or ⅔ cup of brewed coffee.
  • Sweetener: This is totally up to your taste. Honey pairs beautifully with lavender, but sugar or maple syrup are also great choices. Start with a tablespoon and adjust according to your sweetness preference.


  1. Lavender-Infused Milk Preparation:
  • Begin by heating 1 cup of your chosen milk in a small saucepan over medium heat until it's just about to simmer. Don't let it boil.
  • Remove from heat and add about 1 teaspoon of culinary-grade lavender to the milk. If you prefer a stronger lavender flavor, you can adjust the amount to taste.
  • Let the mixture steep for about 5 minutes, allowing the milk to fully absorb the lavender essence. The goal is to get that delicate floral flavor infused throughout the milk.
  • Use your fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the lavender buds from the milk, then pour the infused milk into your blender.

A Quick Tip: For a quicker version of this aromatic treat, you can opt to use store-bought lavender simple syrup instead of infusing the milk with lavender buds. Here’s how you can adjust the recipe:

  1. Brewing the Coffee:
  • While your milk is infusing, brew 2 shots of espresso or prepare ⅔ cup of strong brewed coffee. The strength of the coffee is key here, as it needs to balance the floral notes of the lavender without overpowering them.
  1. Blending the Latte:
  • With the lavender-infused milk in the blender, add your brewed espresso or coffee. If you're adding sweetener, this is the time to do it. Select "Soup" or "Hot" or "90" cycle two or three times until desired temperature is reached.
  1. Serving Your Lavender Latte:
  • Pour the blended latte into your chosen mug or glass. If you like, you can froth a little extra milk to top off your latte or sprinkle a tiny bit of lavender garnish or cinnamon on top for a decorative touch.
  • Sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You've just created a coffee shop-quality lavender latte in the comfort of your own home!

Final Touches and Customizations: Don't forget, this recipe is all about making it your own. Experiment with different types of milk, adjust the lavender and sweetener amounts to suit your taste, and maybe even try adding a splash of vanilla extract for an extra layer of flavor.

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