Blender Soup Recipes for Cold Days [Tasty Links]

blender soup recipes for cold days

January tends to be a pretty cold time of year in the US and just happens to be National Soup Month, so what better time to share some great blender soup recipes? Below are the most popular soup recipes on the Blendtec recipes page. Okay, technically speaking the Herbed Vegetable Broth Powder isn't a soup recipe, but our fans love it and it can be used for I'm leaving it on the list. Just click on the recipe's name or image to see the recipe.

tortilla soup

Tortilla Soup


curried cauliflower soup

Curried Cauliflower Soup


maple butternut squash soup

Maple and Butternut Squash Soup


velvety spinach soup

Velvety Spinach Soup


hearty vegetable chowder

Hearty Vegetable Chowder


Herbed Vegetable Broth

Herbed Vegetable Broth Powder


For other ideas, check out Blendtec's warm soups category and our "National Soup Month" blog post. What are your favorite winter soups?


  • Kelli Farley

    Thanks for letting us know the picture wasn’t linking correctly. We’ve fixed it and it should work now!

  • JustMe has a playment plan on blendtec blenders if you do not win blendtec… good luck

  • Faleen

    The blender would an a blessing to have in the house and certainly come in quite handy on a constant basis. But i would appreciate some assistance please. The soups you have listed look wonderful and i would love to at least be able to see the one for the curried cauliflower, but although the picture is here the recipe that pops up is for the tortilla and it isnt just a matter of it having been switched for another of the pictures, it simply isnt available. If you would/could look into it and repost, I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

  • Rob

    It will be the best investment you ever many in your eating habits and wallet. When you can make a $6 Jamba Juice (or other smoothy shop item) shake for $1.00 you find yourself wondering why you waited so long. We use our blender more than any other appliance in our home.

  • Nathan Hirst

    I’ll cross my fingers for you :)

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