4 Gluten-Free Flours You Can Make in Your Blendtec Blender

Blendtec gluten-free flours

The #1 gluten-free flour I like to make is rice flour. In a Blendtec blender, this is an easy task. I simply take 2 cups of rice and pour it into a WildSide+ jar. You can even use the measure marks on the jar, meaning you don't have to premeasure.

Push the "Whole Juice" button, which runs the blender at a very high speed for 90 seconds. And presto—you have just made rice flour. You have also just saved yourself from spending several dollars buying already-made rice flour. I like to take my rice flour and add ½ teaspoon of baking powder, ½ teaspoon of salt and a few ounces of ginger ale to make  tempura batter.

4 gluten-free flours you can make in Blendtec blender

Blendtec Gluten-Free Baking Mix Quinoa and amaranth are my next favorite gluten-free flours to make. Follow the instructions above, substituting the rice with quinoa or amaranth, and you will have a couple of very versatile flours. You can make lots of things with these flours—just substitute them for wheat flour. Nongluten flours do differ from wheat flour in some ways. They don't brown as well as wheat flour, and they don't bind or thicken the same because of the lack of gluten. However, they are great substitutes for wheat flour, especially for individuals who need to reduce or eliminate gluten from their diets. I also like making oat flour, which is gluten free as long as you use certified oats.

We have a great Gluten-Free Baking Mix recipe that uses gluten-free oats. The baking mix can be used as a base for many other recipes. Have fun experimenting! What gluten free flours do you use?


  • Annymouse1

    Rats! I’m new to this website and missed that. I plan on getting an extra jar as was suggested for doing grains and seeds. My blendtec is a year old but looks brand new with its wildside jar. Concerning the almond flour…I make almond milk several times a week, drain and squeeze the mixture through a nut bag (as I told my son, that’s how one milks an almond!), then dehydrate the pulp. When it is thoroughly dry, then I run it through my little food processor (duh! lightbulb moment…why not do it in the Blendtec?) and it’s fine enough for nut pancakes, biscotti or to mix with other non-gluten flours. Will there be any more sales on four-sided jars? Hmmm…I may need two…

  • Kelli Farley

    Hi Julia,
    Use uncooked quinoa. You want to use dry grains when making flours. Let us know how it turns out!

  • Julia


    I am going to make quinoa flour….do I used uncooked quinoa or cooked?!?!


  • Cynthia M.

    I made almond flour. Had seen a video on you tube that suggested then shaking through a metal sieve/mesh strainer. That way you can keep throwing the larger pieces back in the blender and re-grinding. Worked great!

  • Bruce Carlson

    Yes, what you say is true. Milling grains in your Blendtec blender will give the jar a cloudy finish, though the jar itself is still perfectly usable. I know people who use a separate jar for milling grains for that reason. FYI, we’re running a great promotion on FourSide jars right now if you want to go that route: http://on.fb.me/VgXrsF

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