Lately it seems like all I'm hearing about is JUICING, JUICING, JUICING! I began wondering if I needed to buy a juicer in addition to my Blendtec blender! (Isn't peer pressure grand?) But then I got to thinking about...
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By Joyce Swanson of Living from the Garden For the past seven years, I have taught classes on healthy food prep. I also teach classes on gardening with raised beds, so I like to encourage people to plan their recipes...
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Are you a raw food eater? Try this delicious creamy pesto sauce over a bed of zucchini noodles. To make zucchini noodles, slice zucchini into julienne strips. To soften, salt the noodles and rinse after 15 minutes. Toss noodles with...
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By Tariq Ali of Tri Nut When it comes to personal development and goal setting, there are very few undertakings that are more challenging than maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the years, especially after the initial motivation of...
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As 2014 begins, let's take a look at the most-searched diets of 2013. The list from 2012 was full of celebrity-based diets, with "The Michael Phelps Diet" taking the #1 spot. Many people were curious of his supposed 12,000 calorie...
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