Blendtec Jars Side-by-Side-by-Side

Blendtec jars side by side by side

A good portion of Blendtec magic comes from the jars. Blendtec jars feature a patented, single, wingtip blade, one of the features that allow Blendtec's jars to effectively harness a Blendtec motor's enormous power. But performance comes from more than just the blade. Let's look at the three jars that are currently available for Blendtec blenders.


WildSide Jar*

We've discussed the strengths of the WildSide jar before—and even shown how others have copied the design when they couldn't duplicate the WildSide's performance. The WildSide jar has a wide base and a narrow fifth, or “wild,” side that changes the angle of the blending vortex; as a result, frozen ingredients are far less likely to form a cave above the blade. These features makes the WildSide jar great for large, cold recipes as well as more specialized blends, like bread dough. And, of course, making smoothies in the WildSide jar is never a bad choice.

wildside comparison chart


FourSide Jar

When it came out, the FourSide jar revolutionized the world of commercial blending. Its square shape is much better at blending than traditional round jars. The jar also generates more friction, heating soups a little faster than does the WildSide jar. It's also especially good for dry grinding and making smaller smoothies.

fourside comparison chart

Twister Jar

You might have seen our previous blog post about Blendtec's latest jar offering: the Twister jar. This jar is truly unique. Its patented scraper tines are incredibly effective—as well as super fun to use! The Twister jar is perfect for the thickest recipes. If you think something's too thick to blend in the Twister jar—you're probably wrong.

twister comparison chart


Of course, what you blend in your Blendtec jars is limited only by your imagination (and the warranty—so don't go blending rocks!). Have you discovered anything that makes a particularly awesome blend in your Blendtec? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments section below!  

*The WildSide jar is no longer available for purchase. Please check out our new and improved WildSide+ jar.
heart, soul, and cold forged steel


  • Manu

    Which jar is best to grind dry spices in small quantities (8 oz)?

  • Daphne

    While I appreciate your position on safety and weight, it would be great if you’d make a glass jar and let the consumer decide what their priorities are; there are glasses available now that offer superior strength, and avoiding plastics is important to many of us. Any chance you’re going to do that?

  • Jessica Andreasen

    Yes! You’ll want to get the Commercial jars, though.

  • Sandra

    Is the four side compatible with a Blendtec ICB3/ABC3 commercial blender?

  • Jessica Andreasen

    Yes, all of our jars are made of Eastman Tritan™ copolyester. You can learn more about it here:

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